Documentation for the Codomat

Getting started


The Codomat is a web app. All you need is a desktop/laptop with a modern web browser installed (i.e. Google Chrome, Firefox). In your browser, go to the Codomat’s main page at

Logging In

You can log in to the Codomat using an email address (we never send unsolicited emails/spam). The login is passwordless, we send you a link to login. Once logged in, we remember your browser so you don’t have to enter your email every time.

Your First API Project

Once you are logged in, you can create a new project. This opens an editor where you can describe your API. Here is an example of a simple todo list API:

Entity tasks has the fields

# enforce correct authorship
Restrict on create tasks
    enforce author =
    enforce created = now

# only access your own tasks
Restrict on read, modify and delete tasks
    ensure =

Building your Project

After you wrote your API description, click build. If your description is correct, you will see a success notificaiton and a download button. With a built API you have the option to:

  • start developing your app’s frontend given the API documentation link,
  • download (a slow) implementation of the API and deploy it on your own (self hosting), or
  • optimize your API for best performance before downloading the API. This step is optional but recommended for serious projects. One of our engineers will connect with you to discuss your needs.